Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ever Had One of Those Days?

I'm sure that we've all had moments like this. Being that I'm still somewhat lacking on that ability to see a trial as a blessing, this is my typical response when life isn't what I want it to be. Today, this is how I'm feeling about the 4-hr long classes I have back to back this week . . .

This image was taken off - which is one of my all-time favorite sites. You should visit it!!


Vanessa Swenson said...

2 4-hour classes back to back? don't think so. but have i had a day that felt like that? yes.

and the word verification i'm about to type in is "spameudl"
is that like german spam something?

justine said...

Sweet blog, I especially like the monkey picture. How are things with you and Julie? Have a great day

Oh, and just for fun the word verification on this one is vownocau. If you say it fast and the way I say it in my head, it kind of sounds like "want a cow?" Sure, only if I can have some ketchup, lettuce, and tomatoes with a side of fries

Cali said...

Hi. I just read the "let the sick kids die" post, that is hilarious, I laughed so hard.