Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Can someone help me with this one?

So . . . I've recently realized that I have a small problem that is leading to some embarrassing situations. Here's my problem . . . . I can't tell if the women I see around the world are pregnant or have learned to swallow their food whole like a snake (which is really cool - I still haven't figured out how on earth to accomplish this). Imagine the embarrassment I've felt when I asked women when they are due only to get the response - "No, I'm not pregnant, I just ate a whole bucket of KFC.") Man, this is seriously going to cause me social distress if I don't get this figured out!!


Brian said...

So, I wanted to find a cool pic of a snake digesting a LARGE meal. After like 10 sec of looking on Google images, I remembered my INTENSE fear of snakes, and that ALL the pictures made me squirm. That's why I went with the happy-go-lucky comic version.

Melissa said...

Social Rule #1: Never EVER ask a woman when she's due, what she's having, or any other pregnancy related question unless you are 100% positive that she is, in fact, pregnant. Trust me on this one.