Sunday, February 13, 2011

Make Your Own Conclusion

I saw this picture on Poorly Dressed today.
My mind thought of this:
What do you think it means?

(Side note - when Googleing for a pic of Glenn Beck, I found a shirt that reads: "I think, Therefore I am Not Glenn Beck." I want this shirt.)


Cindy said...


Vanessa Swenson said...

The thing that really freaks me out is that I think he believes what he says.

Vanessa Swenson said...

His latest conspiracy?

“Don’t do a google search” because “google is pretty deeply in bed with the government”
— Glenn Beck

VanillaRhumba said...

I didn't know who Glenn Beck is until I stumbled upon this. Lol.

p.s. I love your theory on forks and spoons. cheers!