Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This is why old people scare me . . .

For those who know me well, you know that I'm terrified of old people. You just never know what you're going to get. They may crack you up - or they may crack your skull! Take this for example:

This old lady, though - she goes in the "crack you up" category. However, if you get some Listerine in her, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to crack your skull too!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

TV Wouldn't Lie . . .

I trust TV. I mean, really. We've been good friends for as long as I can remember. Actually, I don't have any live friends that have been around for as long as TV. Not to mention, as loyal. TV never tells me it's too busy to hang out - or has other plans. Nope. I just make sure to plug it into the power source and satellite - and we're good. Always there, always provides a good time. :) Friends like this don't lie. That's why I undoubtedly trust TV.

So, TV tells me that people who pay to go to a gym are sexier that people who sit at home. Gym commercials show toned people with like 3% body fat - while the couch potatoes . . . well, they have no tone and decidedly much higher body fat. TV also tells me that I need to look like the gym folks. If I look like that, my life will be happier and much easier. No problems. Just be toned and the world will fall at your feet. This is too sweet to pass up.

TV has convinced me to join the gym. Now, not the gym where all the super hot people are on TV. I chose the city rec center (cause it's hecka cheaper). Still, it has all the thingies that go round and that heavy stuff people grunt at. I'm not sure what it's all for. BUT, I do know that know I have a membership pass, I'm going to be hecka sexy with a toned body and 3% body fat. I'm sure of it. Cause on TV, all the people who pay for memberships are like this. TV doesn't lie.

It's been two days. I still feel the same. Maybe there's a problem with the rec center. I should complain.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

All Hail Stephen Colbert

I have to admit, that the Colbert Report is one of my favorite shoes. Seriously. I could watch it all day long. Well, now that I am going to have some time on my hands until UTemps finds me a new assignment (or I find a real FT job - I'm not choosy) . . . maybe I will watch it all day long. Thanks to Hulu and the marvels of the internet, I can! I was just watching this on Comedy Central -- and it's way too funny not to post!!